
Chinese defense

Current position£ºChinese national >> Changhe Wuzhi-10

Changhe Wuzhi-10

Time:2019-9Font size£ºAAA

Changhe Wuzhi-10 (English: CAIC Z-10, Chinese code: Fiery Thunderbolt, also known directly as the straight-10) is the China Helicopter Design Institute of Changhe Aircraft Industry (Group) Co., Ltd. ( China Helicopter Research and Development Institute CHRDI, also known as 602) for research and development, and Harbin Aircraft Corporation is responsible for the design and planning of the new generation of professional armed helicopters of the People's Liberation Army.

Wuzhi-10 is the first professional armed helicopter of the Chinese People's Liberation Army and the first self-researched professional helicopter gunship in Asian countries. It ended the long-term dependence of the Chinese Air Force Army Army on the modification of the French Dolphin helicopter and the history of armed helicopters, which greatly improved the aviation assault and anti-armor capabilities of the PLA Air Force.

The Wuzhi-10 weapon short wings on both sides can be equipped with anti-tank missiles and air-to-air missiles, and equipped with a rotating turret. The tandem two-seat design is designed to meet the main features of Western professional helicopter gunships. On November 12, 2012, Zhi-10 was first exposed at the 9th China International Aviation and Aerospace Exhibition. On November 18, 2012, in the military news released by China Central Television, Zhi-10 has officially joined the active service and began to install the PLA Air Force. On August 6, 2016, all the PLA Air Forces were completed.



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